Puzzlement & Portability

Update: I have expanded this list to all the games I've ever played. I keep the information in this google doc.
About a year ago, I surveyed the state of the video games industry with regards to the puzzle genre. After clarifying a few things about the design of puzzle games, I concluded that the year 2008 for the puzzle gamer was an immensely bountiful one. Since then even more wonderful puzzle games have been released.
Before I get into the new games, I wanted to first talk about a personal goal of mine. Perhaps I owe it to the Pokemon spirit that I acquired with my copy of Red when I was 12 years old, but I aspire to be the best at what I do. Sometimes, in order to make this incredibly unrealistic goal more practical, I must define what I do in broader more creative terms. I know I can't be the best Super Smash Brothers player in the world, but I'll settle for the title of best Melee Kirby player. Likewise, I've been working at becoming a video game "puzzle master." Shortz and others may have earned the title for more traditional puzzling endevours, but perhaps I can carve myself a space in the video gaming world.
Real life puzzle master Will Shortz.
They say it becomes increasingly harder to play fast action real time games the older we get. I'm sure I'm an old fogie in a StarCraft pro's eyes, and competiting in ultra fast paced shooters are out of the question. But maybe the puzzle genre is one that ages well with the player. After all, most puzzle games don't have skill intensive real time gameplay. So I'm free to take my time and think my way through challenges.
So over the years I've been honing my skills and keeping track of all the puzzle games I've played as well as my progress with them. I do believe that delving deeper into a work/hobbie is one of the best ways to understand it and yourself better. For this reason, I believe video games should be studied like anything else worth understanding in life. With that said, here is my puzzle game resume so to speak.
- Tetris (GB & DS)
- Wario's Woods (NES/Animal Crossing)
- Chu Chu Rocket (Dreamcast & GBA)
- Braid: Game complete.
- Portal: Game complete.
- Portal 2: Single player and co-op complete.
- Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2: games complete.
- Boom Blox
- Zack & Wiki
- World of Goo: Game complete: 691 goo balls. 6:59:39 time.
- Dr. Mario Online Rx
- Cubello
- Super Mario 64 DS (Puzzle Panel): Level 20.
- Kirby Canvas Curse (Rainbow Run mode): 100% game complete.
- Meteos: 100% game complete.
- Picross DS
- Sudoku (Brain Age): 51% complete
- Bangai-O Spirits (Puzzle levels): 100% of Puzzle stages.
- Advance Wars: Dual Strike (Survival Mode): S ranked Money and Turn on basic and champion.
- Tetris Attack & Planet Puzzle League: 100% basic puzzles. 47/60 advanced puzzles.
- Professor Layton 1: 100% story mode puzzles solved (125/125). 4372 score.
- Professor Layton 2: 137/137 story mode puzzles solved. 100% complete musician's, tea master's, & animal lover's house. 4879 score.
- Professor Layton 3: 129/130 story mode puzzles solved.
- Scribblenauts: 71/110 levels solved.
- Mystery Dungeon: Shiren The Wanderer: Fay's Puzzles 50/50.
- Picross 3D: 248 puzzles solved.
- Ghost Trick: Game complete.
- 999: 6/7 Endings including true ending.
- Pushmo: All 200 levels complete. Working on extra levels.
- Mario vs DonkeyKong: Game complete. Working on stars and bonus levels.
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!
- Red Remover: 100% puzzles. 36/40 golded.
- Maze Man 2: 8mins 7secs
- 3D Logic: 100% game complete.
- 3D Logic 2: completed up to level 23.
- Exploit: 100% game complete.
- I wish I were the Moon: game complete.
- There Is Only One Level: game complete.
- Closure: level 12
- Time Kufc: Start mode complete.
- Flood Fill: 100% golded.
- Shift: game complete.
- Little Wheel: game complete.
- Loops Of Zen: level 12.
- Electric Box: game complete score: 5836
- Hexiom Connect: 20 levels.
- minim: game complete (35 levels no walkthrough) score: 94310
- enDice: game complete (35 levels).
- Use Boxmen: game complete (13 levels).
- Grayscale: game complete (20 levels).
- Continuity: game complete (32 levels).
- Defuse Amalgamated Research Group: game complete.
- Z-Rox: completed 50 levels.
- The Company of Myself: game complete (20 levels).
- Orbox B: game complete (30 levels). score 1734.
- Super Karoshi: game complete (61 levels).
- Chroma Circuit: game complete (30 levels). 724 moves. 36m33s.
- Hexiom: game complete (40 levels).
- Talesworth Adventure Ep. 1. game complete including bonus levels (21/25 gems)
- Depict1: game complete.
- Faultline: game complete. (score 18648)
- Bango: normal mode (50989)
- Black and White: game complete.
- Fishbane:
- Impasse: game complete
- Sliding Block Puzzle: game complete (3 levels. score 29850)
- Interlocked: 6 levels.
To finish up the list, I wanted to comment on how the DSi is my puzzle gaming platform of choice for '09. Just counting my downloadable DSi Ware titles alone, I've added these 9 games to the list (ranked below). If you're a puzzle fan, I highly recommend these games.
- Box Life: 100% game complete. High Score (lv.8) $53,322.00.
- Zengage: 100% puzzles solved. 80/108 puzzled golded.
- DigiDrive: 100% game complete. High Score (expert): 331,646m.
- Trajectile: 100% game complete. 230/230 medals earned.
- Link 'n' Launch: 100% puzzles solved. 43/100 golded.
- MightyFlipChamps!: 100% puzzles solved (41/41).
- Base10: 100% puzzles solved (27/27).
- Precipice: High Score on 10 floors: 6,392,450.
- Aquia: 100% game complete 25/25 aquariums.
- Pictobits: 100% game complete. 30/30 Levels.
Let's hope next year follows the trend.
This post will be continually updated with my puzzle progress.
Reader Comments (2)
game complete including bonus levels (21/25 gems)