Help Needed!

As it turns out, I've been working hard at developing an indie game around an idea that is just too interesting to pass up. I fully hope to enter the game into 2 upcoming indie games competitions/contests. To pull this this off, I need some help. Friends, readers, or just interested individuals lend me your voices.
The entire game is voice acted. And to bring the greatest amount of credibility and impact to the work, I need the voices of "everyday average" people like you. What this means is that you don't need to have any acting experience of any kind to qualify. Just your normal reading/speaking voice would be ideal for a lot of the parts. With that said, I do have a few parts that require just a smidge of voice acting.
Email me (ADarkDreamer (at) gmail. c o m) or leave a message on this post if you want to contribute. Here's what you need.
- A mic (webcam/ USB/ Pocket PC) Though I would like the highest/best quality recording, I'll work with what I can get.
- A computer (mac/PC/otherwise)
- Software. Any program that can record and export to a .wav or .ogg file. I use audacity. It's free and fun!
- Some time. I have some parts that are about 25 words. Others are a few paragraphs at the largest. Some parts need to sound like you're reading. Others require a bit more work. And I possibly have 1 large position open for a male with an older sounding voice that really wants to get into a character.
Let me know how much time you have and what kind of part you think you want to do. Also, if you could describe your voice or link me to a sample recording that would help too. Do those things and I'll take care of the rest. The only thing I can offer you is your name in the credits along with a bit of info about you like your gaming blog (if you have one).
If you want to be a part of our free BETA and give us lots of feedback, that should be happening in a few weeks.
Reader Comments (2)
I have a deep voice, and no real accent to speak of.
I have a background in theater if it would be of any use, and have been intrigued by the thought of voice acting for a while.
Sample of my voice doing a monologue.