A Progress Worth Updating

We, B.E.S, have pushed ourselves as hard as we could working on A Progress Worth Saving. After months of work, we decided to put the project on hold and shoot for next year's igf. Fortunately, we learned a lot working on this game and have accrued some much needed experience. We knew when we started this project that being amateur programmers would make the already difficult task of game making even more difficult. Being able to work out problems in code and work with each other's code were two issues that were difficult for us to resolve. Also, having to produce all of the graphics and sound was very time consuming.
A Progress Worth Saving is a very ambitious project that requires hundreds of hours of work. Since diving into this project head on, I got a new job that has taken up a large portion of my time. This has prevented me from following through with the project as planned. Such is life.
I apologize for not being able to get out the BETA as planned. It will happen some time next year so I hope all of the contributors and volunteers will be patient with our progress. In the meantime, I plan on resuming the blog here at Critical-Gaming in addition to working on much smaller gaming projects.
Thanks for all the support.
Reader Comments (4)
That's too bad...
I'm sure you will succeed if you really believe in your project, and want to achieve it, regardless of any deadline. About some help, I think that some of your readers will be glad to offer you helping hands on some part of your project. Anyway, I will !
Good luck !
That's right Simon. We'll help them finish this and the drill of this project will pierce the heavens. Ore wo dare ga omotte iru!
Thanks Kamina and Simon.
Programming=the crux of any game project, but also the part that people often disregard. This is why I'm skeptical of indies with minimal coding experience. Fortunately my brother and I were already competent coders when we started our project.
You don't need to apologise Richard, I'm sure all of us reading would prefer you to re-energise before you get back into it, I'm sure it'll work out well in the long run. Rome wasn't built in day after all.