A Drebin Point of Contention

I've been cracking away at the next Drebin point. As you may already know, the idea is to crank out one Drebin game per week. This weekly goal will ensure that my projects don't expand so large that I can't complete them, and the short turn around keeps things fresh.
I spent the larger part of this week trying to solve a programming issue with Drebin#4. I understand the program I'm using very well, and I knew that making Drebin#4 a reality would be a long and arduous task. Luckily, I was able to get a little help. Someone over at the Yoyo games/gamemaker community forums pointed me to a dll that will make all the difference in the world for this project.
If you don't know what dll stands for, and you don't want to wiki it real quick, then don't worry. I don't know what it stands for either. I just know how to use it. All you need to know is that if all goes according to plan, Critical-Gaming will get another style change and the blog will have more interesting game design points to discuss. The programming battle is over.