Introducing Critical-Hit

If you aren't aware (for some strange reason) E3 is nearly upon us. To join in the festivities Critical-Gaming is going all out with a new series called "Critical-Hit." These hard hitting segments will feature updates that are completely free form. Video, podcast, essay, link lists, and bullet points are all game. It's all about absorbing the content, running it under the critical-eye, and packaging it all into a quick "critical" update or hit.
Nintendo might show their creative hand at E3 this year to show the world that they're still on top of things. Regardless, I've been preparing a few unofficial reveals myself on behalf of Nintendo. No matter how creative Nintendo gets this time around, the ideas and products that I'll reveal this week on the blog are guaranteed to match or exceed Nintendo legendary handiwork. That's right! They caught me by surprise last year with the Wii Balance Board and Wii Fit. Though I didn't see Wii Fit coming at all, I was on the cusp of coming up with the Balance Board controller. Take your bets now.
For this week, aside from the cutting edge game ideas produced in house here at Critical-Gaming and the hard hitting updates, I might even get around to recording a few podcasts. Nothing too fancy. Each will be a sort of impromptu cast. If I don't get around to the casts just assume that I'm drowning in the sea of information. However, there's something else I wanted to try. Last year, after watching E3 live on G4TV, I hosted a discussion on Skype where anyone was free to tune in and talk about what E3 had to offer. I definitely want to leave the evening of Friday July 18th open in case anyone wants to throw their 2 cents in to the whirlpool.
The deluge of content is about to hit us. Soon there will be more to post and talk about than I can keep up with. Just ride the wave to the shore and enjoy the ride.