G4's Massive E308 Coverage Announced

As the title indicates, this is your guide to keeping afloat for the next week. Every entry in bold (beside the dates) are the events that I'm looking forward to most.
Read the line up. Study it. And buckle up.
Monday July 14th
1PM ET – Half-hour pre-show followed by the entire Microsoft Press Conference – live and commercial free on-air and online.
6PM ET – EA Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on G4tv.com
7PM ET – Two-hour E3 Preview Show featuring the following DEMOS:
- Fallout 3
- Fable 2
- Halo Wars
- Ghostbusters : The Videogame
- Silent Hill: Homecoming
Tuesday July 15th
12PM ET – Live on-air and online streaming, commercial free coverage of the Nintendo Press conference
2:30PM ET - Live on-air and online streaming, commercial free coverage of the Sony Press conference
5:30PM ET – Ubisoft Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on G4tv.com
6:00PM ET– Live three hour E308 Special featuring the following DEMOS:
- Gears of War 2
- Resistance 2
- Killzone 2
- Rock Band 2
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- Prince of Persia
- Street Fighter IV
- Lord of the Rings: Conquest
- Dark Void
7:30PM ET – CAPCOM Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on G4tv.com
11:30PM ET – ACTIVISION Press Conference - Streaming coverage on G4tv.com
Wednesday July 16th
5:30PM ET - KONAMI Press Conference - Live streaming coverage on G4tv.com
6PM ET – Live three hour E308 Special featuring the following DEMOS:
- Resident Evil 5
- FarCry 2
- LittleBigPlanet
- Dead Space
- Spore
- InFamous
- Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
- Left 4 Dead
- Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe
- Crysis: Warhead
- Shaun White Snowboarding
- Deadly Creatures
Thursday, July 17th
6PM ET – Live three hour E308 Special featuring the following DEMOS:
- Mirror's Edge
- Madden NFL '09
- Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.
- Tom Clancy's EndWar
- Project Origin
- Banjo Kazooie
- Face Breaker
Friday, July 18th
7PM ET – Attack of the Show E3 Wrap-up Special
8PM ET – X-Play “Best of E3” Special
Reader Comments (2)
What do you think about Ghostbusters? It seems like it has the opportunity for a lot more interplay than a first person shooter traditionally does.
Unfortunately, with the previews all talking about graphics and scripting coming from the original Ghostbusters, I can't see an actual game here. Do you know what's going on?
I haven't seen much on Ghostbusters. When G4 demo's it later today, I'll see what I can see.