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Happy Birthday Critical-Gaming

It was one year ago that I made my first post on the Critical-Gaming blog.

As I look back, as much as I've done, there hasn't been enough time in each day to do everything that I wanted or even planned for. Between coming up with the articles, writing them, finding/creating supporting images, making videos, and generating video game content, maintaining the Network feels like a full time job.

I want to thank all of you who have stumbled upon Critical-Gaming. All of you who have read, linked, commented, objected, argued, and even those who haven't been so polite. And I want to extend a special thanks to those who have been here since the early days.

Slowly but surely I've organized my thoughts and presented them one article at a time. I've tried to write each article carefully so that I never said anything that wasn't adequately backed up with data, theory, or an exacting language. And what a language.

I've searched the world for words that would clearly communicate the facets and complexities that are housed in every video game and came up with very little. So, one word at a time, I built the Critical-Glossary. I hope such efforts have been a resource to those who are compelled to discuss, analyze, and express themselves as I am.

The work I've put into Critical-Gaming has profoundly affected my understanding of the video game medium. And now, after writing over 256,000 words of content, I'm excited because I still have much more to say.

This year, Critical-Gaming is putting everything we've learned to the test. User generated content is one of the main focuses. Design Challenges and the like are all making a comeback in the Designer's Workshop. Also, expect some cosmetic changes soon.

The Critical-Gaming Network wouldn't be the same without you.

And I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Mario.

With that said....bring on the cake.






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